Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tourism is a complex subject to deal with and so is it's impact or effects,as a service industry involves in economic activities which effects in the country and various other related sectors.Different impact or effect of tourism in context of Nepal is as follows:

Positive Impact:

-source of foreign income or exchange.

-Factor of regional development.

-Initates infrastructural and industrial development.

-Provides employment generation.

Negative Impact:

Being seasonal,Tourism helps in the employment for the local people for ceratin time of the year only.This is vital in context of the countries like Nepal where the most of the tourism attractions are natural.


Positive Impacts:

-Socio-cultural understanding.

-International relationship development.

-Education about people and country.

Negative Impacts:

Generally,in younger generations,the practice of western way of life style and manners changes their socio cultural outlook,which might affect the values and norms of existing culture.


Positive Impacts:

-Rehabilitation of existing buildings and historical sites.

-Transformation of old house and places into new uses for museums,hotels and tourist attractions.

-Present concept of tourism is to keep the nature at its uniqueness.

Negative Impacts:

Natural habitat and environment were destroyed.pollution is created


People travel for different purpose and reasons. There are different factors that create desire in people to travel and be become tourist. Different factors that motivate people to travel from place to place are as follows:
1. physical motive (motivators):- phycial motive are related to physical relaxation/refreshment of a body and mind, health purposes, sports and pleasure. Thease groups of motivators are taken as to reduce tensions.
2. Interpersonal motives:- Interpersonal motives refere to the desire to visit and meet relatives, frends, and new people to seek new experiences. This is simply to escape from the routine of everyday life.
3. Status and prestige motive:- status & presting refers to the people's ability to spend more for the families by traveling to different place & want to share there experiences with their relatives about the visit, which brings a sort of prestige in front of the relatives and surroundings. It is also concerned with the desire for recogmition & attention from other in order to boost the personal ego.
4. Culture:- people travel to different places, which are rich in culture & heritage, customs and traditions, art & music, historical buildings, monuments, etc. That motivates people to travel thease places in search of knowledge & desire to know more about their culture..
In addition, various other specifice reasons to travel are pleasure holidays, sports, shoping, business, official governmental visits pilgrimage & a special interest purpose, etc.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Characteristic of tourism

Tourism activities should take place away from the familiar home environment.Tourism arrases from the moment of people to the unfamiliar distinctions.
There are two elements in all tourism the journey to the distinction and the including activities on the way to the distinction
The journey and stay take s place outside the normal place of residence and workes,so that the activities done by them are different and unique from the activities of the local people.The visits to destination should be temporary in character, and the visitor should return once usually place of residences after the few days, weeks or months.The visit undertaken to the distinction should not be for environment politics or for employment residence or employment revenue ration. The money earned in ones place of residence should be spending on the destination visited.Traveling in involved in all tourism but nether all travel is tourism nor all travels are tourists.touirism is purely a leisure activity undertaken during leisure for pleasur.

Development of Tourism in nepal

Tourism development and its importance are recent phenomenon in nepal. The first five-year plan was launched in between 1956 to 1961. It enclosed provision for tourism for the first time in the heastory of nepal. This can be taken into account as the dawn of tourism development in nepal. The three-year plan launched in july 1962 laid great stress on the compilation of necessary informations on economy, institution reforms in different sectors and the development of infrastructures. Same progress was made in the field of transport, communication and power during the plan period.
The successful scaling of Mt. Annapurna (1950 A.D.) and the world's highest peak, Mt.Everest (1953 A.D.), emphasised and popularised the existence of nepal and the nepalese people in the world. In the year 1956, a large of number of distinguished foreign dignitaries were invited to nepal to participate in the coronation ceremony of the late king mahendra. This also greatly helped to foster friendly relation with the outside world to give momentum to the tourism industry.
The promotion of tourism in nepal, in the true sense, started more or less, only from the beginning of the 1960's. During the second three year plan (1962-1965) the foreign exchange earning from tourism amounted to 2,14,000 (two lakhs fourteen thousands) dollars.
Tourism Act 2021 B.S. And tourism regulation Act 2022 B.S. was enacted for the development of tourirm to safeguard health, comfort and general interest of the tourist within nepal. The Tourism Act 2021 B.S. Made the provision that all hotels should be classified according to international hotel system..
The significance of tourism to the economy of ndpal was fully recognized by government in the year priority given to its development in forth five year plan (1970-1975) and fifth year plan (1975-1980). The objectives of those plans were primarily focussed in increasing foreign exchange earnings, creation of greater employment opportunities and the development of tourist centres. The ertablishment of mimistry of tourirm in Fearuary 23, 1977, was the landmark for tourism development in the country. A high-level tourism co-operation committee was formed in 1978 in kathmandu.
If we review the recent past years data, we find thdt the average tourist arrival in nepal has been fluctating owing to the instable government regime and the political turmoil and unrest. In the year 1999, the total tourist arrival was 491,504, and thir figure has remanined the highest till date. Since then the curve continously showed a negative trend. In 2000, the total tourist arrival was 4,63,684(-5.7%), 2001 it was 3,61,237 (-22.1%) and in 2002 it was 2,75,468 (-23.7%). In 2003 the figure slightly improved to 3,38,132(22.7%), in 2004 it further improved to 3,85,297. However, in 2005 the figure once again decreased to 3,75,501. In 2005, the visiter arrhval by nationalitx shows that the majority of tourist arriving in Nepal is from India (33%), followed by europe (30%), Asia (19%), USA and canada (7%), Australia (2%) and other (9%).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Evalution of tourism

The gradual change and delopment of an idea, situation or obeject is referred to as evoulation. Heance, evolution of tourism referes to the gradual development of the tourism actitities from the past to present and perhaps, it will continue in the future too.
Seance the beginning of human civilization iu this world, travelling has been an ongoing event. The early man travelled for hunting and food gathering. Later, as society evolved, travelling become prominent but became limited to trade, pilgrimage, studies, migration, royal affairs and exploration, rather than for pleasure and entertainment. So, one can sum-up that travelling is a human nature but tourism is a process and activities of new phenomenon.
The evolution of tourism can be divided into three phases:
1. The first phase(tourism before railways)
2. The second phase (tourism within railways)
3. The third phase (tourism after world war-ii)
*The first phase
The first phase of tourism is referred to as the tourism before railways, which represents the period before 1848 A.D. Before the industrial revolution travel was primarily tndertaken for the purposed of trade and pilgrimage.
In the medieval period (12-17th century), the european had different notions of travelling. According to their belief, if someone did not visit any new places in one's own life time, s/he was higily neglected in the society. So, every individual were supposed to visit at least Italy, as rome was recognized as their place of origin, and a religious shrine too.
In the 18th cemtury, the motive f6r travelling bhanged further. During this period sick people started to undertake travel to 'spa' for cure of some peristent diseases. It is belived that modern tourism begun fron 'spa' in those days, nice in france, baden in Germany and carlsberg in czechoslovakia were very popular for spa in europe.
*The second phase
The second phase of tourism marks the onset of industrial revolution. The introduction and development of railways after 1830 A.D. Revolutionised the entire scenario of travelling. The first ever rail link between liverpool and Manchester in the same year can be regarded as the landmark in the history of mechanised transport.
In the later year, the concept of tourism gradually evolved. In 1841 A.D, Thomas cook, a Baplist by profession, initiated the concept of travel agency. He not only operated the travel agency, but also led the group outside the london. He is regarded as the pioneer travel organiser, who led the group from leicester to loughborough for the firs time. He is also regarded as the father of the modern tourism.
In the 18th century A.D, industrial revolution brought tremendous change in contemporary europe. There was frequent migration of the rural people to urban and industrialised areas. People who where following agriculture as their main occupation started to earn their living by working in the factories. Hence, the working class also started opting for travelling during holidys and leaves for pleasure.
* The third phase
By the onset of 20th century, the essential components of tourism almost reached an optimal point. The general mass also realized and perceived the educative dimemsion of tourism and its positive impact on the economy.
After the world war-II, when united nations came into existence in 1945 A.D, the hostility between the countries almost became non-existent. The international barriers broken down and serene environment started to prevail. This made the ground for tourism industry mory fertile and further fuelled the prospects of tourism and its related industries. It is during this perind the world economy experienced a landmark growth in tourism industry.
After 2nd great world war, people became quite busy and they didn't have time to visit abroad for long duration. However, they seemed determined to spend their holidays outside their country/usual place of residence. This meant they needed comfortable, swift and safe means of transport. Heance, the ure of jet planes to reduce the time nf journey became prominent. Thus, the 20th century can be marked as "the century of mass tourism".

Nature of tourism

The nature of tourism is cloesely connected with travelling. It has been a human phenomenon since the beginning of human civilization. It is sensitive factor of the human nature in the context of moving to survive, explore, and to know the unknow. In the early times,they started travelling as nomads in search oe pqey and food. Later, the development of the agricultural system created a base of the moment of people as a traveller. Then the output of industrial revolution made travelling prominent to various destinations. It made the traveller's life style easier and safer to realize their tourism activities.
Thus, the modern tourism is absolutely changed due to complete development of over all sectors of tourism components and comsciousness of the people. The nature of tourism is described in the following headings:
* Tourism and service
Tourism is a service industry, which is composed of those sector of the economy that are involved in providing service, such as accommodation, food, bevrage, transportation and reacreations as well as distribution and sales services. Tourism industry has been taken as the term that denotes work, productivity, employment income, economic growth, social development, etc.
*Tourism is a contributor to the economy
Through tourisn, a great deal of income is gemerated in economy in the form of domestic or international exchange. A large bhunk oe workforce gets employed in this industry. It is also a major contributor to the public revenue. The nature too can be conserved owing to tourism. The natural resources of the economy can be tapped and the friendly relation with other countries can reasult in the benefit of the economy.
*Tourism products are stationary
In tourism industry the attractions inspire the aspirations oe the tourists. The attractions, such as the mountains, lakes, historical monuments, museums, theme and fun parks, gorges, valleys, waterfalls, climate and seasons, flora and fauna, etc. Are sonething which cannot be copied or imitated by any other countries. At the same time they are0immocile. A prospective tourists need to approach these beauties and not vice a versa.
*Tourism is an incessant industry
There is no any horhzon or end to the tourism activities. Creative minds can always come up with new ideas and creativity. In tourism industry there is non-stop moment of people and the incessant move give rise to more tourism activities.
*Tourism helps in edvcating the mass
There exists a spontaneous process of learning and exchange of ideas in this industry. The scope of exploration and discovery is very higher among adventure tourists. Due to tourism there exists a respect for eachother'realigious belief, cultural values, tradition, rites and rituals.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Types of tourism

Tourism has been anintegral contributor to the economey and society in may contries.therefore it becomes very inpoqtant to know the type of tourism that are popular within the country and also abroad.flowing are some of the types of tourism.
* Recreational tourism.
The activities of this tourism are mustly related to body and mind. It is also comberned with relaxation,rest and excitement. It is offen sand,run and sea promoted by beautiful colour picture. This is centralized in big cities, such as night clubs casino and many other recreational areas. Pleasure/holiday tourism prefer to spend time in the tourism,and money is not considered a constraint depending upon the individual interest and desiqe. Recreational/pleasure tourists prefer to go to las vegas disney land,etc.
*Adventure tourism
This types of tourism is mostly organized in adventurous places and remote areas where torists enjoy exciting new experience and ideas, such as treaking, rafting, mountain climbing, bungee jumping etc. Urually this types of tourism is more popular among the youths.
*Business tourism
Thir is a major part of the ovdrall tourism business, which is much related to prodessional works of the tourist for trade and commerce. In those tourism activities, tourists visiters are mostly centralized in big cityes and towns where more commercial trading companies are located such as internal banks, shopping centres, business hourses, tour and travel agencies, hotels, catering industries, etc. Theas tourist7 have been motitated to attend grand convention complexes for business meeting seminars by private and public sector. The same facilities and servieses as recreational tourists within the limited time , and their campacity of spending money is also higher.
*Religious tourism
Thir types of tourism involves vistes to pilgrimagrs to attain salvation, realigions charity deeds or religions merits. People who are spritualy guided to visite pilgrimagey are usually determined by their realigions and belief for example, large number of people from europe play visit to rome . Considering it their pious birth place. Similarly the hindus are guided to visit one of the fourholy shariness in ones lifetime and the musimpay visit to mecc.a and madina.
*Sports tourism
This is related to various ssport events that consist oe p.roprame and actitites for the specific purpose of promoting the practice of sports/games by the players and professi6al. People perform such activities to attain.ewtreme and exotic pleasure .it needs physic all efforts and skills, such as golf, racing .horse riding etc. Duration of the stay in this tourism at the sport is shorted then other tourism.
*Eco tourism
Eco is a parefix that is cnoncerned with dhe environment eco tourism is becoming very popular in the present time. It is to see and observe man. Land relationship , biological diversity,landscape topograph.Ecology,zoology and geology visit various destinations. It is very popular in nepal because majorhty of people come to nepal to0see the mountains and national parks the tour operator should extensively arief its staf3 and client on consernation of nature in this type of tourism.
*caltural tourism
Caltural tourism aims to provided knowledge. In thease destinations,tourists are not encosaged to interact with the host. They simply observe the sulture and life styke oe the indigenous people. Accommodation subh as hostel,lodges,etc. Are not built so as to preserve the local tradions. Therefore,the hostels,lodges,etc. Are built lgttle a way from the spot destination. In such destinations. Tourists abserve the calture at day time and reaturn to the hostels by the evening.
*Educational tourism
this kinds of tourism is related to academic and vocational education tranning and reasearch program mostly arganized by gouernment and private instituations and associations. In this tourism,participants are enconraged to gain the knowledge oe particular sites destinatinns by involving students, trainers, teachers with local professionals for ewamples anthroplogy, botand, langnage zoology,etc.